Poroporoaki: Jane Marsden

Tariana Turia

Friday 27 November 2009, 8:35AM

By Tariana Turia


E te whäea, tupuna, kuia rangatira, moe mai ra, moe mai ra i to moenga roa.

Haere ki to hoa rangatira ki a Maori e tatari mai ra ki a koe. Ka nui te aroha ki o tamariki, mokopuna, rätou ko nga hunaonga, ara te whänau nui tonu kua whakarerea nei e tangi ana ki a koe.

Co-leader of the Maori Party, Tariana Turia, has expressed her great sadness at the passing of a well known elder of the North, Jane Marsden.

‘Aunty Janie was an expressive and very articulate kuia, who is loved and well-known, not just in the North, but right throughout Aotearoa” said Mrs Turia.

“She was a committed Christian and heavily involved in the Anglican Church” said Mrs Turia. “Some would call her the conscience of the church; indeed she was the conscience of the community”.

“Aunty Janie was never afraid to speak her mind and had a fearless courage about her in that she was always prepared to hold people to account. If she didn’t agree with a particular action she would say so, but she would do so quietly and with respect. She had that capacity to exert influence with just a quiet word and she would never demean another. The legacy of her leadership inspires us all to treat each other with respect".

“I know that she was a passionate and positive enthusiast for young people; to guide and support them in their way forward”.

“Aunty Janie was also devoted to the uplifting of whanau – always making a priority of attending weddings, tangi, birthdays, baptisms and the like”.

“We know she will be mourned by many; but we extend our particular sympathies to her seven children and many mokopuna who will be grieving the loss of Janie and her late husband, the much respected Maori Marsden”.