Lifelong love honoured in Waitakere

Waitakere City Council

Monday 30 November 2009, 11:35AM

By Waitakere City Council



It’s a hard road finding the perfect woman.

But 91-year-old Jack Kingston reckons he struck gold when he met his wife Joan at a dance in 1940.

The Piha couple married they same year and are still going strong 69 years later.

“Her heel broke off her shoe and I offered to take her home. I’ve been taking her home ever since,” he says.

“We’ve had a great life. It’s about commitment. You make up your mind and you do it.”

He and Joan will be among the guests at morning and afternoon teas honouring Westies who have been married 50 years or more on December 4.

It will be hosted by Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey and his wife Barbara, who have been married more than 40 years.

“Waitakere is a city that honours marriage,” says Mayor Harvey.

“A good marriage is a cornerstone of a good home. It makes for a better community.

“Too often we see violent and turbulent relationships; relationships that pull down rather than build up.

“Couples like the Kingstons are role models for us to follow. Their lifelong dedication and love is something we should all aspire to.”

The morning and afternoon tea celebrating 50 years of marriage has been held at council for the last three years.

About 300 people attended the event in 2008.

It is open to any Waitakere couple who have been married more than 50 years.