Rural fire fundraising calendars on sale

Wednesday 9 December 2009, 8:41AM

By Taupo District Council


Taupo's Rural Fire Force have bared almost everything in a calendar to raise money for fire fighting equipment
Taupo's Rural Fire Force have bared almost everything in a calendar to raise money for fire fighting equipment Credit: Taupo District Council


For the second year running, the men of Taupo’s Rural Fire Force have bared almost everything in a calendar to raise money for fire fighting equipment.

After the success of their first calendar in 2008, Principal Rural Fire Officer Phil Parker decided to follow it up this year. He says that while the experience is a great fundraising tool, it is also a very good team-building exercise and a good laugh.

The profit from last year’s calendars went towards the purchase of a Wajax firefighting pump and the proceeds from this year’s calendars will go towards communication equipment such as handheld radios.

The calendars feature each of the 10 volunteers wearing Jockey underwear, and can be purchased from Taupo District Council’s Lake Terrace office, and the Taupo i-Site Visitor Centre for only $10. “They make a great Christmas present,” laughs Mr Parker.

The Rural Fire Force is also looking for new members. If you are physically fit and strong, and interested in becoming a rural fire volunteer contact Phil Parker on 07 376 0803.