Council Visit to Award Winning Metalform

Tararua District Council

Sunday 13 December 2009, 8:49AM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua councillors and staff have paid a visit to Dannevirke award winning company Metalform following its success at last month’s Hawke’s Bay business awards.
The sheet metal engineering company scooped the pool at the Westpac Hawke’s Bay Chamber of commerce Business Awards winning the three main categories.

Metalform’s export paediatric Ezi rider wheelchair won the premiere Westpac Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce top business award along with the Export Hawke’s Bay Award and the Pan Pac Forest Products Large Business Award.

The business earned praise from judges for its “clearly evident design and innovation,” for being “leaders not followers” and for the “strong design led culture throughout the business.”

General manager Allan Benbow said the recognition was an opportunity to lift the company’s profile further.
Metalform is a four-generation business founded by the Easton family of Dannevirke.

Councillors were impressed with the level of expertise and the company’s innovative ability.
Designing the town clock and street furniture for Dannevirke’s recently refurbished High St is a local example of the company’s skills.