Guess what Kiwi Blokes? 38% of Aussie men can't see their manhood when they look down naked

Monday 21 December 2009, 10:55AM

By Jenny Craig


Angela Berrill, Jenny Craig's weight management expert, says that New Zealand is one of the fattest nations in the world
Angela Berrill, Jenny Craig's weight management expert, says that New Zealand is one of the fattest nations in the world Credit: Jenny Craig


It seems the question that men across the ditch are asking themselves - is my belly getting bigger or is my manhood getting smaller? An interesting survey commissioned by weight loss firm, Jenny Craig, reveals a shocking 38% of Aussie men claim they can’t see their genitals when they look down naked. Looks like it’s time Aussie men cut back on the pies and beers, trim down the belly and reveal what’s underneath.

But before we point the finger, we should look at the paunch of our own male population.  At a time when 58% of New Zealand men are overweight or obese, it’s evident that it’s not just our Trans-Tasman rivals who need to learn how to ditch the Santa belly.

Angela Berrill, Jenny Craig’s weight management expert, says that “New Zealand is one of the fattest nations in the world, which is frightening. By being overweight or obese, these men are seriously increasing their risk of life-threatening diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. It is time New Zealand men got the support and education they need to take control of their expanding waistlines.”

Interestingly, the survey revealed the older men get; the more likely they are to grow a gut. Twenty seven per cent of Australian men aged between 25-39 struggle to see their manhood, while 37 per cent in the 40-54 age bracket claim their belly blocks their view. Over half (58 per cent) of Australian men 55 and over, said their only chance of seeing their genitalia was by looking in the mirror!

Jenny Craig Managing Director, New Zealand and Australia, Amy Smith comments “If I’m honest, when I first saw these results they made me laugh, but actually when you start analysing the statistical facts, these results simply prove both weight and gut size are a huge issue for men. These results are a tongue and cheek way for us at Jenny Craig, to encourage men to address their weight issues as evidence suggests, the bigger the waist measurement, the higher the risk of disease.”

“Our new Jen4men program has been tailored specifically to give men the support and education they need to take control of their expanding waistlines. With the New Year approaching, it’s a great time for New Zealand men, to jump on board and get with the program.”

For more information about Jen4Men visit