Finance - Debt Consolidation

Friday 8 January 2010, 10:25AM

By Kent Finance Ltd


Has Christmas spending exhausted your cash flow or maybe your bills are due around the 20th of the month? As finance brokers Kent Finance has access to over 40 lenders nationwide plus most banks.  If you need any assistance to get funds, Kent Finance can help you sort these matters. You can do it over the phone as simple as that. So get on top of your cash flow now. 

We had a client call that was declined by his own bank on Wednesday , they were very organised and had everything ready to apply for a loan. We submitted the application and had approval and loan offer in writting within 2 hours. Our Rep drove to Whangaparoa at 6.30pm that same day to meet them and sign the loan documents. The funds are being paid out to the client today.

We are here to help busy professionals needing personal service.

Contact: Amanda ph 0800 80 90 60