Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board

Tariana Turia

Friday 15 January 2010, 11:13AM

By Tariana Turia


Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Hon Tariana Turia has announced six appointments to the Board of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Rachael Selby and Margy-Jean Malcolm have been appointed for second terms on the Board. Dr Helen Nicholson, Graeme Hall, Mary Schnackenberg and Dr Airini have all been appointed as new members to the Board. Ms Selby has also been appointed as Chair of the Board.

All members have been appointed for six year terms, commencing January 2010.

"I am thrilled that the Trust will benefit from the rich experiences, the research expertise, and strong community linkages of the new appointees. The Board Members are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas spanning environment/conservation, business/finance, science, community development, education, social policy and arts and culture. I am greatly looking forward to their leadership in selecting talented individuals who will have the skills and capacity to contribute to their profession, and their communities.

"Ultimately, the work undertaken by the Trust helps to grow and build strong and empowered communities."

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust was established as a living memorial to Sir Winston Churchill. The Board distributes funds to assist New Zealanders to travel overseas to learn more about other people and cultures and to investigate topics that will help them to increase their contribution to the community and their trade, industry, profession, business or calling. Around 25 Winston Churchill Fellowships are funded each year.

The Board of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust is appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector.