Calling all bike enthusiasts- are you up for a challenge?

Tararua District Council

Monday 18 January 2010, 3:01PM

By Tararua District Council



Now that the Christmas holiday break is over it’s time to focus on some physical activity – including three upcoming cycle events, says Sport Tararua co-ordinator Natarsha Nikora.

Sport Tararua welcomes the return of three major biking events for 2010; two Mayoral Cycle Challenges during BikeWise Month (February) and the Scanpower Ruahine Mountain Bike Challenge on Saturday March 20.

The Mayoral Cycle Challenges are in Dannevirke on Tuesday 2 February, with registrations open at 5pm and starting at 6pm from the AMP Wai Splash Community Pool and in Pahiatua on Thursday 4 February with registrations open at 5pm and starting at 6pm from the Bush Sports Park. The Mayoral Cycle Challenges are family focused attracting all ages from young children to great-grannies, enabling all to take part in physical activity in a safe, fun & friendly environment.

“This year we are encouraging participants of the Mayoral Cycle Challenges to use this as a ‘training ride’ for the more testing Scanpower Ruahine Mountain Bike Challenge,” says Miss Nikora.

“The Scanpower event, organised by Dannevirke Rotary Club will cover a magnificent course along the base of the Ruahines from Te Apiti wind farm on the Saddle Road to Skye Farm, north of Dannevirke. A challenging 61km ride will take you as close to the Ruahine Ranges as you can get on a bike,” she says.

According to race organiser Chris Southgate the route is not for the faint-hearted. “But there is also a 31km course available for the intermediate rider and a 25km course for the more novice rider. It’s also a fantastic avenue for us to show off our unique Tararua terrain,” he says.

With cycling continuing “to take the country by storm” Miss Nikora is hopeful that both the Mayoral Cycle Challenge and the Scanpower Ruahine Challenge will attract increased participation.

Several spot prizes will be drawn and a free barbecue will be shared at the conclusion of all events. The Ruahine Mountain Bike Challenge is offering two major spot prizes, a $1000 travel voucher and a Mountain Bike to the value of $2000 from Hewitt Motorcycles Dannevirke, while participants of the Mayoral Cycle Challenge could win an Avanti bike.

To register or find more information on the Scanpower Ruahine Mountain Bike Challenge visit, for more information on BikeWise events, including the Mayoral Cycle Challenge visit or contact Natarsha Nikora (06) 374 4136.