Poroporoaki: Tui Tenari

Tariana Turia

Tuesday 19 January 2010, 9:15AM

By Tariana Turia



E te kuia, haere ki to iwi, haere ki to whanau, haere ki o tatou tupuna. Haere ki te kainga tuturu mo te tangata. Aue! Te Pouri! Te Tangi e! Haere, Haere, Haere!

Minister of Disability Issues and Associate Minister of Health, Tariana Turia has today acknowledged her deep sadness at the passing of Tui Tenari.

“Tui Tenari was the founding member and Mana Whakahaere (CEO) of Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau” said Mrs Turia.

Over ten years ago, as a Maori nurse, she fought to gain services for intellectually disabled people who had been institutionalized”.

Tui was National President of the Maori Nurses Council and Director of Nursing at Mangere Hospital at the time deinstitutionalisation occurred before taking up a position with Spectrum Care and then Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau.

“She had a fierce passion to advocate for services that were more culturally appropriate for Maori disabled people. “She was a trailblazer, paving the way for the provision of quality disability services” said Mrs Turia.

In 2004, Tui was named an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in recognition of her service to people with disabilities.

“We have lost a passionate advocate, an inspirational leader, and an amazing wahine Maori” said Mrs Turia. “We are all the better for the difference she made”.

“I pay my respects to all the whanau at Whakamaharatanga Marae at Waimamaku as we honour this wonderful woman”.

Te Roopu Taurima is now an independent accredited, certificated and tikanga-based kaupapa Maori service provider, providing services for people who are multiply disabled, require long term residential care and often have challenging behavioural needs. Since their establishment in 1999 they have tripled their growth, and provide services in Auckland, Northland, Waikato and more recently the South Island with over 500 staff.