Turia Supports Call of Hastings Kaumatua

Tariana Turia

Friday 22 January 2010, 8:42AM

By Tariana Turia



Tariana Turia has expressed her support for long-time community advocate and Hastings District Councillor, Henare O’Keefe, who has made public his concern about the placement of a Corrections service centre in the midst of Flaxmere.

“I really admire the positive approach Henare has taken towards caring for the people of Flaxmere” said Turia.

Henare O’Keefe initiated the Enough is Enough Anti-violence rally in 2008 in which thousands of residents marched from Flaxmere to Hastings to rally together against rising levels of violence.

“So when we hear that Mr O’Keefe has objected to the proposal of a Community Work Operations Centre being planned for the area, we know that his objections come from a position of principle” said Mrs Turia.

Mr O’Keefe has stated that locating the centre in the midst of the community is treating Flaxmere as a “dumping ground”; and has organised a picket to take place at Flaxmere on Monday 25th January.

“This is a man who believes in whanau ora; who is a community leader, who has only positive aspirations for the people he serves”.

“Mr O’Keefe quite rightly asks, why not place a Sports Academy, or a University in Flaxmere; something for the community to feel proud of and to take an interest in?”.

Flaxmere is one of the most economically vulnerable communities in New Zealand.

“As I understand it, there are four liquor outlets in Flaxmere – and now the Corrections centre – what sort of message does that send to this community?” asks Mrs Turia. "I wonder what level of consultation has gone on to get to this point?"

"It appears that there may be other designated Corrections land outside of the Flaxmere area" said Mrs Turia. "I would think that it would be preferable to look at existing Corrections land rather than take up valuable space right in the heart of this community".

“I will certainly be taking up his concerns with both the Minister of Corrections and the Minister of Local Government” ended Mrs Turia.