Turia saddened by loss of Pioneer for whanau-based mental health

Tariana Turia

Monday 25 January 2010, 9:03AM

By Tariana Turia


Co-leader of the Maori Party, Tariana Turia, has today expressed her deepest sympathies at the passing of Blossom Matiriama Tropman.

“Blossom was often called a pioneer, because of her initiative in establishing a model of whanau care which has now become universally recognised” said Mrs Turia.

“She lived and breathed ‘whanau ora’ – providing whatever support was necessary for whanau challenged by the impact of mental illness”.

“Her leadership of Mansfield House, and Te Menenga Pai Charitable Trust, was demonstrated at every level of the service”.

“She would respond to late night police calls, attend Court hearings, work with the City Council, and liaise with over forty community organisations, stopping at nothing until whanau knew their loved one was supported”.

“I had huge affection for her – she was a breath of fresh air; someone who lived for and loved her tangata whaiora as her own whanau”.

“I have never met anyone who was so dedicated to normalising their lives, and leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of wellness”.

“Blossom opened her doors to the homeless, parolees and those recently released from prison; they would be Maori and non-Maori; they might be short-term or they might stay for as long as they needed to – to each of them, Blossom would provide a unique model of whanau care”.

"I think of her whanau, her tangata whaiora, and all the many people whose lives Blossom touched – and I know she would want us all to remember her with love”.

Kia kaha, puritia, kia u kia mau ki nga taonga a ngai taua, hei putiputi e puawai tonu mai ana i mua i a taua mo ake tonu atu"

"Be strong, hold fast, hold firm to our treasures as a flower that blossoms before us forever and always"