Turia : 'Public move to end tobacco sales 'staggering'

Tariana Turia

Friday 29 January 2010, 3:45PM

By Tariana Turia


A recent analysis of the 2008 Health and Lifestyles Survey conducted by the National Research Bureau reports overwhelming public support for ending tobacco sales.

The survey interviewed 1608 people aged 15 and over on whether they support the end of tobacco sales within ten years and whether they support fewer tobacco retailers.

“The numbers are staggering” said Mrs Turia. “49.8% agreed that cigarettes and tobacco should not be sold in New Zealand in ten years time and 65.6% agreed that 'the number of places selling cigarettes and tobacco should be reduced to make them less easily available'.

“What I’m even more pleased about is that one in four current smokers agreed that tobacco sales should be ended. The level of support gives me great confidence for taking urgent action to implement tobacco control measures”.

"Public enthusiasm for making any significant changes in tobacco policy is vitally important to enable Government to implement such changes" Mrs Turia said.

"It is obvious that the public recognises the harm that smoking has on everyday New Zealanders. I am continuing to discuss tobacco excise tax and the banning of tobacco displays with National Party Ministers, and am confident progress will be made in tobacco policy this year".

"Nearly 5000 people die from smoking related illnesses each year and tobacco products and tobacco companies/retailers play a significant part in contributing to those illnesses. The widespread support to end tobacco sales and to see fewer tobacco retailers in place sends a big signal to us all that it is the right time for change to occur in tobacco control”.

“It is also timely that this information comes out, while the Maori Affairs Select Committee inquiry into tobacco is current, and I will be interested to read their recommendations to Government”.