Tararua Council Recognises Need For More Industrial Land
A need to extend industrial land zoning within the Tararua district and particularly in Dannevirke is prompting the council to promote a variation to its proposed District Plan.
The council has now identified additional land to the south east of Dannevirke following submissions during the plan review process.
The initial investigation covered a wider area in order to ensure that the issue was “effectively and comprehensively considered,” environmental services manager Mike Brown said in a background report.
Landowners who have not previously submitted to the District Plan review regarding the matter of industrial land now have until February 26 to respond.
Eighteen of the 38 lots under consideration are already council-owned.
It was the council’s policy to avoid “pockets” of industrial land and urban containment was the key principle underpinning the Zoning Review.
This required the avoidance of “market driven spot zoning” to ensure that the council delivered services to its community “in an economical and planned way,” Mr Brown said.
Affected property owners have been advised by letter of the proposed plan change.
All relevant information is available on the council website, www.tararuadc.govt.nz and at the four service centres.