Regional Velodrome Proposal Draws 'Qualified' Support

Tararua District Council

Friday 5 February 2010, 1:59PM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua would support a world class velodrome proposed for Palmerston North but has backed away from making a financial commitment. 

The Council was asked for a letter of support from the Palmerston North City Council for a proposed velodrome events centre in the Manawatu-Wanganui region.  Wanganui District Council had sent an identical request for enclosing their existing velodrome in Whanganui. 

Currently five proposals are in contention for government funding – the other three being Hastings, North Shore and Manakau City. 

The Council has voted to back a combined bid from the Palmerston North City Council and Massey University on a site owned by the University.  Manawatu District Council and Sport Manawatu are also supporting the bid. 

In a report to councillors Chief Executive Blair King said the facility would “leverage off the proven sports science and research capability already in place at Massey”.  

Whilst not all councillors supported the proposal, they accepted the geographical advantage to Tararua that the Palmerston North bid has over the Whanganui district. 

However discussion on the Council’s position should a regional rate be proposed for building or maintaining drew a unanimous ‘thumbs down’. 

Explaining the background to the proposal facility Mr King said the aim was for the North Island to match the world – class indoor velodrome facility that existed in Invercargill – a location that was seen as “a barrier to North Island athletes.” 

These bids for a similar North Island facility formed part of the Government’s goal to improve sporting success internationally.