Southland nurses back senior doctors in their concerns about health board merger

Friday 5 February 2010, 5:44PM

By Anne McFarlane



Southland nurses today confirmed their support of the senior doctors at Southland Hospital who have expressed serious concern over the proposed merger of the Southland and Otago District Health Boards and the implications for the Southland region's future access to quality healthcare.

In a letter to Paul Menzies, Chairman of the Southland District Health Board, Anne McFarlane, New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Convenor, Kew Workplace, said: “Nurses have not had the opportunity to comment on the proposal for a merger of the two District Health Boards as there is no detail available in the public arena, to make any decision or recommendation.”

The letter adds that they “support the medical staff in their concerns regarding the consultation process” and “would like to see more representative dialogue taking place to ensure good decision making occurs.”

Open letter to Paul Menzies, Chairman of Southland District Health Board from Anne McFarlane, New Zealand Nurses Organisation Convenor for Kew Workplace.

Dear Sir

I wish to respond to the statement from the SDHB administration regarding theproposed Southland and Otago Health Board merger proposal.

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has forwarded a submission to the proposalwhich is supported by Nurses.

In any fiscal climate it is imperative to optimisesavings wherever possible; however this must not be to the detriment/reduction ofservices to the local/wider community.

I wish to reiterate the submission that Nursessee the retention of Nursing Leadership in Southland as a pivotal part of anyadministration proposal.

Nurses have not had an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a merger of thetwo District Health Boards as there is no detail available in the public arena, to makeany decision or recommendation.

We support the Medical staff in their concerns regarding the consultation process.

We would like to see more representative dialogue taking place to ensure gooddecision making occurs.

Yours sincerely

Anne McFarlane

NZNO Convenor

Kew workplace