Passionate people wanted as park rangers

Waitakere City Council

Thursday 4 March 2010, 8:07AM

By Waitakere City Council



Are you passionate about your local park? Then join Waitakere City Council’s volunteer park ranger programme.

Rangers are the eyes and ears of the community, reporting to the council’s parks team on any issues that may arise, such as graffiti. You may also be able to indulge your love of gardening by

They are also encouraged to build relationships with local people and groups to promote safer parks and educate them on park use.

People with a love of gardening may be interested in becoming a park ranger and looking after a garden in their local park.

“We have almost 600 parks in Waitakere and it’s impossible for our staff to be everywhere at once, so we want the community to let us know what’s happening in their parks,” says Councillor Brenda Brady.

"This could be a great way for families to do something together, a way for people to build stronger connections with their community and to meet new neighbours."

“If you love your parks and want to help, we want to hear from you.”

The scheme encourages residents living near parks and people interested in taking on a more active role in their management.

The numbers of volunteer park rangers has declined recently as people move house or take on other commitments, so the council is looking to recruit fresh talent.

If you are interested in becoming a park ranger come along to the information evening
being held at the council chambers, 6 Henderson Valley Road, on Thursday 18 March, 6.00pm - 7.00pm. Interested people will need to complete a short application form and give consent to be police vetted.

For more information please contact the parks team via the council’s 24-hour call centre on 839 0400 or email