POSE Running Seminar

Friday 12 March 2010, 1:29PM

By CrossFit New Zealand



I just wanted to pass on the details of a running technique seminar we are hosting at the beginning of April.

Pose running technique was invented by Nicholas Romanov, a Russian scientist now based in Miami and consultant to the British, US and Mexican triathlon associations. During the 1970s and early 80s, Romanov was heavily involved with athlete training in Russia, where he observed that as his athletes turned up the workload, so they would start to break down physically. He developed a method of teaching specific running technique - namely midfoot striking - to increase running efficiency and cut down on injuries. The elite British triathletes Tim Don, Andrew Johns and Leanda Cave have all adopted the pose running technique under Romanov’s guidance.

Pose running enables any athlete at any level to perform at their best. By learning proper body positiong with the Pose Method and implementing it in movement, athletes avoid overuse injuries, dramatically improve their performance and results.

There has been a lot of research recently comparing midfoot striking much more favourable to heel striking and modern shoe design is also starting to reflect this.

Nicholas Romanov is in New Zealand for research purposes and is conducting a one day Pose Seminar at our facility April 3rd.

The link to registration is HERE.

Apologies for the late notice, but we only just confimed it ourselves!!

Kind regards,
