400 tonne Waikato River bridge successfully lifted into final position

Monday 22 March 2010, 8:52AM

By Taupo District Council


East Taupo Arterial successful lift of the new Waikato River network arch bridge into its final position last week
East Taupo Arterial successful lift of the new Waikato River network arch bridge into its final position last week Credit: Taupo District Council


A major milestone was achieved on the 16km East Taupo Arterial with the successful lift of the new Waikato River network arch bridge into its final position last week.

Ted Anderson, Group Manager Infrastructure Services said progress with the ETA continues unabated and the project is currently expected to be completed well ahead of schedule, possibly before October this year. “I must congratulate the highly skilled and hard working team of contractors, consultants and Council staff who are performing like a well oiled machine”.

“Full credit must be given to Fulton Hogan. It has been fascinating to observe the major engineering feat taking place over the last seven weeks and also very pleasing that the river was only closed for three days. Reducing the impact on the local businesses and river users has been an achievement in itself,” he said.

Andrew McRae Fulton Hogan Project Manager said again meticulous planning by the crews ensured a flawless lift. “This wasn’t as delicate as previous operations but having a 100 metre long, 400 tonne steel structure suspended in mid-air does require careful planning and the crews achieved a safe and flawless lift.

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is funding 76.5% of the $110M project, and it will become part of the state highway network on completion. NZTA State Highways Manager Kaye Clark said, “This is certainly a major milestone for the ETA as the Waikato River bridge will become an iconic feature for the ETA and Taupo.”

The Waikato River bridge was designed by SKM and Holmes Group. All the steel was pre-fabricated by Tenix Robt Stone, New Plymouth.