One woman's dream to become a World Champion

Charity Matters

Thursday 25 March 2010, 11:09AM

By Charity Matters


Polly Green of Gisborne known for her kayaking and work in documentary film making is set to make a comeback to competitive kayaking. Her comeback will be the basis of “A Fire Within”.

“A Fire Within” documents one woman's dream to become a World Champion. Raw and real, it is a journey of self-discovery; a colourful and entertaining story of an inspiring woman on a mission to be the best she can be.

Former professional kayaker and award winning documentary film maker Polly Green’s latest film offers a fresh and unique story that is a deeply personal account.

At age 40, Polly has decided to come out of sporting retirement to win the World 2011 Freestyle White-water Kayaking Championships, a title that has eluded her in the past. After competing as a world class white-water kayaker for 10 years, Polly walked away from the sport in 2005 to reinvent herself as a filmmaker and founded her now established production company, Flair Films.

Reflecting Polly’s vibrant personality, the film will display a collection of experiences and characters that help her along the way. From viewing Polly dancing in her living room to consulting psychics and world leading neuro-scientists; Polly’s story is one of many layers.

More than just a comeback tale, “A Fire Within” follows Polly’s holistic approach to fulfil a balanced lifestyle while also addressing issues of age, gender and culture. Woven into this tale, will be some of her most intimate moments; this perhaps for her, being the biggest challenge of all.

There may even be a love story, maybe.

Polly Green says “A Fire Within” encourages us to be adventurous; to believe in the beauty of our dreams and to realise anything is possible. With the ultimate goal of winning the world champs, it is also about a journey; a journey to be the best not only on the water but also in the arena of life.

“It also has a community outreach focus. We will be working closely with the My Hero Project, a non-profit organisation with a mission to “use media and technology to celebrate the best of humanity and to empower young people to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world”.

Polly’s mentoring role with the My Hero Project and her film will act as a catalyst to inspire young and old to follow their own journeys. And the art of multimedia storytelling will make this film more accessible to youth.

Promotion and distribution of the documentary, “A Fire Within” includes a fully articulated multi-platform campaign, generating a community that will follow Polly’s journey online in the lead up to the World Championships.

Cultivating an online interactive audience through these multi-platforms has already begun. Blogs, video diaries, social networking sites and YouTube will help share our project with the widest possible audience.

The documentary will be made for theatrical release including a nation wide travelling tour that includes community outreach with screenings in schools. It will be entered into film festivals world wide and include online DVD sales and online pay per view.

“A Fire Within” is more than a film; it is a brand and a movement that encourages people to follow their own dreams.

Flair Films will also utilise traditional print media sources including newspapers, magazines and targeted television exposure. Polly has already featured strongly in local newspapers and prevalent magazines including HER Business and Success (November 2009). She recently appeared on national NZ television for her most recent award winning film, Soft Power Health.

“A Fire Within” follows on from a successful track record of films including Polly's first film Nomads which in 2006 won numerous awards and was an official selection in over 30 film festivals world wide. Polly has filmed in over 35 countries, and her footage has been aired on ABC World news, TVNZ, and New Zealand’s TV3.

Flair Films vision is: “to inspire, empower and help create positive change in the world through film”.

View A Fire Withing trailer