Franklin District Council Interest Free Loans – Apply Now

Thursday 25 March 2010, 12:58PM

By Franklin District Council



Franklin District Council is currently calling for applications for the Community Partnerships Loan Funding Scheme. The scheme offers interest free loans to community groups and organisations.

Applications are invited from interested groups and organisations that have capital projects for new or existing community facilities valued at $10,000 or more and which provide and develop cultural, social, educational and recreational facilities. The facilities must be on Council reserve land, Crown land vested in Council or land owned by a community organisation within Franklin.

Franklin District Mayor Mark Ball says the scheme is a great initiative and encourages the community to take advantage of it. “I urge your community group to look into the scheme and how it could help your group or club. The initiatives aim is to help build upon the district’s facilities by making it easy for the community to fund this. You can’t get better interest rates than zero percent!”

If you are interested in more information about the scheme, pick up an information pack from Franklin District Council Service Centres or download the information from

Applications close 3 May 2010.