Project draws to a successful close

Monday 29 March 2010, 8:10PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


A total of 27,000 Māori land blocks have been registered with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) on the conclusion of the Māori Freehold Land Registration (MFLR) Project.

The blocks represent about 99 per cent of the total inventory of Māori freehold land.

The MFLR is a five-year joint initiative between the Ministry of Justice and LINZ to register all outstanding Māori Land Court Orders relating to Māori land ownership.

Courts Minister Georgina te Heuheu says the MFLR project has been "highly significant for Māori".

"It has resulted in the reversal of anomalies between the Land Transfer registry and the Māori Land Court registry. It creates equal recognition and quality of title for Māori freehold land in the same way as general land," Mrs te Heuheu says.

"This provides a sound platform for the economic developmental aspirations of Māori landowners."

Land Information Minister Maurice Williamson says the project has improved the ability for Māori land owners to set up economic development initiatives where a formal Certificate of Title is required.

"Access to finance, title aggregation, easements and access issues can be worked through now land blocks have parcel identification," he says.

For more information about the Māori Freehold Land Registration Project, visit: