Women's Water Polo World Cup comes to Christchurch

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 8 April 2010, 4:22PM

By Christchurch City Council



The elite international FINA Women’s Water Polo World Cup is to come to Christchurch later in the year.
The event is held every four years and includes eight international teams – one of which can be from the host country, regardless of whether it has qualified as part of the normal qualifying process. The top four teams at the event qualify to attend the World Championships to be held in Shanghai in 2011 – and New Zealand is in with a good chance to make the grade.

Approximately 200 participants will fight it out at the QEII Recreation and Sports Centre in Christchurch during the main event held from 17 – 22 August; warmups will be held for the four days prior.

Christchurch City Council is supporting New Zealand Water Polo to host the event in the city. “Christchurch is well placed to host international tournaments like this, and interest in the sport is growing locally, particularly among younger people,” says the Council’s Recreation and Sports Unit Manager, John Filsell. There will be gate sales for the local community.
