Hold That Book!
What to do when the item you are looking for on the library shelves is out or at another library? The answer is simple - place a hold on it!
In the 2008/09 year just over 124,000 holds were placed across the library network making it one of Dunedin Public Libraries’ most popular services. This is equivalent to over 300 holds placed every day, seven days a week.
Holds charges at Dunedin Public Libraries have not increased since 2001, with adult borrowers charged 50 cents per item placed on hold - but an increase to $1.00 from 1 July 2010 is proposed in the Dunedin City Council Draft 2010/11 Annual Plan. At other New Zealand metropolitan libraries holds charges vary from between $1.00 and $2.00 per item.
Dunedin Public Libraries believes it needs to recover a greater share of the cost of providing this ‘value added’ service. This charge goes a small way towards recouping the costs of providing the service, including the staff time in checking for and locating items and the cost of moving them around the library network to the designated pick-up point.
The holds charge will apply only to holds placed by adults, ensuring children and young people under the age of 18 continue to have free access to this important service.
Bernie Hawke, Library Services Manager, comments “The reason holds are popular is because they represent such good value for money. While this is a significant increase, it is still only a small percentage of the costs involved in providing the service. I’m sure library customers will acknowledge this, along with the saving in time and effort for them when they place a hold.”