Key urged to reveal what he told the Clerk of the House

Pete Hodgson

Thursday 23 August 2007, 11:53PM

By Pete Hodgson


National leader urged to reveal what he told Clerk of the House in order to be cleared of electoral or companies laws


Labour Minister Pete Hodgson urged National leader John Key to release all the information he gave to the Clerk of the House Dave McGee, not just the letter he got in reply.

Mr Key sought Mr McGee's opinion on whether he put a misleading or false address on documents relating to his electoral address or the address of companies he was involved with.

Mr Key was given a letter from Mr McGee saying the companies legislation did not affect his registration for electoral purposes. The letter also said that under the Electoral Act, a person can only reside at one place but can have a number of residences for Companies Act purposes.

Mr Key has also said he has legal advice showing he did not breach any laws when he declared he lived in Remuera in March 2002, moved to Helensville in October that same year and moved back to Remuera by April 2003. He also reconfirmed he lived in Helensville in 2004 but owned a substantial home in Parnell where he now lives.

"I urge National's leader to make the information he provided to the Clerk of the House available so we can know on what given "facts" the Clerk have his opinion," Pete Hodgson said.