EUFA Meeting Human Rights Commission In Wellington Today

Thursday 15 April 2010, 10:41AM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



Eufa Representatives are meeting with the Human Rights Commission in Wellington today to demonstrate the states failure to provide protection to investors.

The Eufa meeting ironically coincides with the latest proceedings against the high profile company directors in Lombard Finance and the chemical company Nuplex including the resignation
of David Jackson a member of the securities commission.

Investor issues are being taken to the Human Rights Commission due to the authorities failure to provide the investing public their fundamental rights to the protection of the law.
Many laws have been broken due to lack of enforcement.

Eufa Coordinator Suzanne Edmonds said from Wellington today "We didn't expect the Security Commission proceedings to coincide with our meeting with the Human Rights Commission
but certainly this is timely given the investors constant demand for accountability and justice.
Investors are demanding that all finance company directors and management of the troubled companies are investigated by the authorities.

The Minister has been reported as accepting Security Commission member David Jackson's resignation.

Mrs Edmonds adds "It is a sad day for New Zealanders and a minister of the crown, when an authority such as the Securities Commission have had to issue proceedings to one of its own Statutory
officers, but the culture is endemic and is no surprise to our members".

The minister of justice last month went to the united nations, claiming a proud Human rights record for New Zealand. This is a fast, while no effective remedies are available for the violation of investors fundamental rights.