TV Celebrity Chef Allyson Gofton To Visit Dunedin City Library

Dunedin City Council

Friday 16 April 2010, 11:57AM

By Dunedin City Council



There’s nothing nicer than coming home on a cold winter’s evening to find a delicious hot meal ready and waiting for you. Forget bribing your family members and join Kiwi culinary icon, Allyson Gofton, for an entertaining hour at the City Library on Monday 3 May at 12.30 pm.

Loved for her quick, easy to follow recipes, Gofton is most frequently recognised from television’s “Food in a Minute.” Her latest recipe book, “Slow” has been perfectly timed to coincide with the onset of the long, dark, nights and contains mouth-watering recipes for the slow cooker and crock-pot. Allyson will share her tips and explore how to make tasty, nutritious and great looking dishes that will cook themselves while you’re at work, sleeping or enjoying precious family time.
So, if the cold of winter has you hankering for a hearty stew or comforting family feast, come and meet Allyson Gofton – and grab your personally signed copy of “Slow.”
Cash and credit card sales available.