Multi-million dollar Bayfair Shopping Centre
With the construction portion of the $15 million refurbishment of the Bay of Plenty’s largest shopping centre having commenced in March, local MP Simon Bridges says the development signals that the region is now coming into stronger times.
What’s more, he says the value of Tauranga’s growth to the national economy is being recognized by central government, which has dedicated $495 million to the region’s roads and tens of millions more to social infrastructure, including schools and Tauranga Hospital.
“While things have been tough for many in our region during the recession, we have pulled through well and will come out stronger. The Government’s investment has been made based on the strong growth Tauranga has experienced – it is now the fifth-largest city – and recognition that this growth will continue.
“I have enjoyed seeing the new work being done at Bayfair. AMP Capital Investors and Tower Investments’ confidence in the future of Tauranga reflects that of the Government.”
A local firm, Marra Construction, was appointed to the refurbishment project. Marra has more than 30 people on-site each day, and is keeping the project local – the eight to 10 subcontractors working on the site at any given time are all based in the region.
This is a high-profile job for the 30-year-old local company, which operates in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato, and has previously worked on projects such as the ABN Amro Craigs headquarters, a $7-8 million building constructed in 2006.
Bayfair Shopping Centre Manager Andrew Wadsworth says the undertaking of the project is an exciting time for the centre’s staff and retailers. “It is a tremendous refurbishment and the timing is ideal as we approach Bayfair’s 25th anniversary. It will add more shops to the retail mix and give the front of the centre a more contemporary look – which will be great for retailers and customers alike.”
Marra Construction General Manager Rob Bailey says, “It’s a coup for us to have been appointed to a project of this nature – one which will be of benefit to many people in the region.”
Bayfair and Marra have a lot in common – both have solid sustainability credentials. Bayfair’s commitment to sustainable practices has resulted in a 44% reduction in waste costs, a 50% reduction of its carbon footprint during the last five years and the creation of New Zealand’s first waste-free food court, while Marra is currently undertaking the design-build of a new ‘5 star green star’ school.
The Bayfair Shopping Centre project, scheduled for completion later this year, has two stages: Stage One involves the widening of the entry into Woolworth’s via the food court, and a refurbishment of the Woolworth’s store. Woolworths will continue to trade throughout this project.
Stage Two will see the temporary closure of one of the entries to the front of the centre to enable a realignment of the floorplan in this sector, the addition of a number of new stores and the provision for the Bay’s first JB Hi-Fi!
JB Hi Fi is one of the country’s most popular new retailers, and is a valuable and exciting addition to the centre, offering the world’s leading brands of hi-fi speakers, TVs, DVDs, VCRs, cameras, car sound, home theatre, computers and portable audio and exclusive specialist hi-fi products. JB Hi Fi also sells video games, recorded music, DVD music and DVD movies.
Bayfair has prepared a programme to ensure customers continue to enjoy a pleasant experience during the project and will keep the community updated throughout the refurbishment. To receive our newsletters, please visit