Arrowtown Residents Urged to Clear the Air

Saturday 24 April 2010, 9:39AM

By Arrowtown Clean Air Warm Homes Trust



With winter yet to come into full effect Arrowtown has already breached the clean air line during April, Arrowtown Clean Air and Warm Home Trust chairman Jon Newson said.

“I checked the Otago Regional Council website and the Arrowtown reading soared above 100, the first time above 50 for the year and winter has not kicked in yet, it’s a major concern,” he said.

If the reading was correct and there was no reason to doubt it, it showed just what the town might be in for when Jack Frost really showed up.

The trust was holding its annual Clean Air and Warm Homes Expo in early May to try and engage with residents before winter.

“Our aim is to try and make sure residents think about the air quality before it becomes a major problem,” Mr Newson said.

The trust was urging residents to make the change to a cleaner burning and better heating systems while there was still a chance to receive a substantial subsidy.

“It is not long till 2012 when the cut off for the ORC subsidy for an approved heating system ends,” he said. The trust was unsure if grants would be available after that time.

“We recommend residents find out more about this at the expo and apply now when money is available,” Mr Newson said.

The free Expo, to be held from 10am - 4pm on the 8 and 9 May at the Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall would showcase a wide range of products that met the required ‘Airshed 1’ classifications.

“Plus it will help in making your home heating cleaner, dryer and warmer. I look forward to a strong turn out from the community,” he said.


For more information please contact Jon Newson can be contacted on Ph (03) 409 8828

Clean Air and Warm Homes Expo

Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall

Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 May ,2010

From 10am – 4pm