Local businesses encouraged to "Pass It On"

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 4 May 2010, 11:34AM

By Dunedin City Council



An initiative to showcase businesses to Rugby World Cup fans has already got some points on the board for Otago companies. Pass It On is a programme designed to inspire New Zealanders to “pass on” information about innovative businesses. The DCC’s Economic Development Unit encouraged Powerhouse Wind, Scott Technology, ESCEA, Pocketsmith and the Otago District Health Board to be the first businesses to post videos on the site.

These videos are sent out via the Kiwi Expats Abroad (KEA) network of 25,000 New Zealanders living around the world. Powerhouse Wind’s Bill Currie says “we have received excellent feedback and expressions of interest in ourproducts, and believe that some of these contacts will turn into sales”. Peter Harris, Manager of the DCC’s Economic Development Unit, who believes expatriate New Zealanders are an ideal target audience for such businesses comments, “New Zealanders have a loyalty to their country and are often very keen to help out fellow kiwis. We are very supportive of Pass It On and plan to expand the concept to tap into the alumni of Otago schools and tertiary institutions for the good of our local businesses.”

Other New Zealand companies that have had a positive response to their video include:
• Pingar, advanced software search engine, received four email enquiries and a reconnection with an offshore agent
• Mindspace Solutions, 3D interactive digital learning systems, had contact from a distributor in Brazil
• Pacific Aerospace, producers of short take-off and landing ten seat turbo-prop aircrafts, had an enquiry by a New Zealander working at a charter company in the Middle East
• Verda, producers of sustainably grown timber outdoor living solutions, have had a number of offshore enquiries and over 1200 people viewing their video

Otago businesses wanting to participate in Pass It On should contact the Economic Development Unit for more information.

Pass It On can be viewed at