Four pianos free to good homes

Rotorua District Council

Tuesday 11 May 2010, 8:13AM

By Rotorua District Council



Four pianos that have been occupying public spaces around the Rotorua CBD over the past month are ready to be re-homed.

The 'Pianos in the Wild!’ project has been a public arts collaboration run by Rotorua District Council (RDC) and Pheasant Plucker bar owner Ivan Purvis.

The project which has allowed people to sit down and play pianos at various city locations is coming to an end.

However RDC community arts officer Kiri Jarden says the old pianos still have some life in them yet and she is looking to find new homes for them.

“We’ve been really fortunate with the fine weather which has made it possible for a number of musicians to take advantage of this project. Spontaneous sing-alongs, dancing and numerous versions of ‘Chopsticks’ have been reported on the ‘Pianos in the Wild!’ website.

“Now at the end of the project, the pianos are becoming a bit wild in appearance and at risk of becoming unplayable so we’re inviting expressions of interest from anyone wanting to claim one of them – for whatever purpose.”

Ms Jarden says a Napier artist has already expressed an interest in having a piano to so he can make artwork from its keys.

People interested should contact Ivan Purvis at the Pheasant Plucker on 343 7071 and let him know how they what use they would make of one of the pianos.

Mr Purvis and Ms Jarden are also inviting people to visit the website and to leave their thoughts on the project, which it is hoped can be repeated some time in the future.