'Children's Hero' Honoured

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 12 May 2010, 7:47AM

By Tariana Turia



Minister Responsible for Whanau Ora, Tariana Turia, has today expressed congratulations to Auckland paediatrician, and former Children’s Commissioner, Dr Ian Hassall, who was awarded a prestigious international honour at the meeting of the heads of UNICEF National Committees currently being held in Korea.

“This is an astounding tribute to Dr Hassall, who received the Aldo Farina Award “in recognition of his leadership and passionate commitment to improving the health and welfare of children in New Zealand”.

“I’m sure if this was in the sporting arena, the Gold Medal for the Children’s Hero would be creating front page news!” said Mrs Turia.

“Dr Hassall has put Aotearoa on the world map, for such achievements as establishing a ‘What’s Up’ helpline for children and young people; child safety initiatives such as cot death prevention and the fencing of swimming pools; and of course in his contribution to the debate around the amendments to Section 59 of the Crimes Act".

Dr Hassall founded the BrainWave Trust and Parent Help (Child Abuse Prevention Society), has helped to form the Kids Help Foundation Trust as well as being a member of Every Child Counts; and is Chair of the Child Advocacy Group, Children's Agenda.

“I want to put on record, my great appreciation and congratulations to Dr Hassall for his investment in children as the foundation of our future” said Mrs Turia.

The Aldo Farina Award is presented biannually for outstanding achievement in child right advocacy. It is sponsored by the Italian and Spanish Committees for UNICEF and is open to all 194 countries in which UNICEF operates.