Hubbard's machinery is rolling out the pink roller again
Monday 17 May 2010, 11:06AM
By Hubbards Machinery
Earlier this year, an $8,000 donation headed the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation’s wayand Hubbard’s Cultivation is hoping to up that figure with a last outing at the New ZealandNational Agricultural Field Days 2010 at Mystery Creek in Hamilton.
While real men may wear pink, the guys at Hubbard’s Cultivation have the sensitivity toappreciate that not all blokes can handle it.
The Ashburton based farm machinery business, Hubbard’s Cultivation hit the headlines whenthey offered to donate $1,000 to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation for every pinkroller sold, and they are continuing the offer until the end of the Mystery Creek Field Days onJune 18 th 2010.
The bright pink, 3000kg folding Cambridge roller made a stir nationally in February 2010 whenit rolled up to field days and shows the length and breadth of the country to raise money forthe New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.
But in fact, of all the roller buyers, not one opted to buy the pink one, possibly from shyness.So there’s still a chance that just one buyer might yet own and flaunt the only pink roller in theknown world.
To demonstrate their flexibility, unlike motor car legend Henry Ford who said his customers could have their Model T Fords in any colour they chose as long as it was black, Hubbard’s Cultivationcome up with a variation on the deal.
Buyers can have their new rollers painted in the colour of their choice, be it blue, red, yellow, or........?
And as far as the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation contribution goes, the same deal applies.
Hubbard’s Cultivation will continue tomake the $1,000 donation for each roller sold before the Mystery Creek field days end on June 18.
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundations Executive Trustee, HeatherShotter is very happy with the exposure that this campaign has generated for NZBCF , that “the Field days is at the heart of the farming communityand rural women are an at-risk group for breast cancer education messages.
By purchasing a Hubbards roller, farmers will be helping us to reach womenin rural locations with breast cancer advice and support that could save theirlives”Mr Ian Prime & Mr Vince Rietveld (Directors of Hubbards Cultivation) have been extremely pleased with the way in which this campaign has unfolded, the excellent brand recognition occurring and “that everybody that purchases one of our rollers, also has the satisfaction in knowing that they are helping a very noteworthy cause as well”
Hubbards Cultivation has been providing solutions to the New Zealand agriculturalindustry for over thirty years. We know the New Zealand market; we know you have specific requirements. Hubbards is established as a leader in agricultural machinery, manufacturing and retailing brands that get results