Numerous Long Fibers Seen Floating Through The Air In Whangarei Today
Long Fibers Seen Floating Through The Air In Whangarei Today Credit:
Clare Swinney
Multiple Fibers Can Be Seen In This Picture Credit:
Clare Swinney
On June the 3rd, two of us witnessed what looked like a steady stream of polymer fibers floating through the air today, from the suburb of Woodhill in Whangarei.
I have seen these floating through the air on a number of occasions this year in the same area and virtually every time I look for them now, when the sun is behind them and the weather is fine, I see them. The photos above were taken between 2.00pm and 3pm, looking towards the Western Hills Reserve from Kirikiri Rd today.
To see more photos of these fibers, please link here: