Auckland Council member salaries a good deal for ratepayers

Thursday 24 June 2010, 3:02PM

By Rodney Hide



Today the Remuneration Authority released its determination on elected member remuneration in the new Auckland Council, providing greater clarity and certainty for those looking to stand in the October elections.

"This is a great day for Auckland, with one of the last pieces of the picture completed before the October elections for the new Auckland Council. Those planning to run for elected positions in the new council can now plan their campaigns, and get on with working towards a better Auckland," Minister of Local Government Hon Rodney Hide said.

The Remuneration Authority has determined that the new Auckland Council mayor will be paid $240,000, and councilors will receive a base rate of $80,000. The base rate for Local Board members will be between $20,100 (Great Barrier) the minimum base rate and $37,100 (Howick), the maximum base rate. Extra remuneration can accompany additional responsibilities for both councilors and local board members.

"I'd like to thank the remuneration authority for their hard work, the Auckland Council is a new governing structure and they had limited points of comparison to work from," said Hon Hide.

"The Remuneration Authority has found the right balance between recognising the responsibilities of each position, and a fair cost to ratepayers."

Under the current governance of the Auckland region there are 261 elected representatives, including community board members. In the new council there will be just 170, saving ratepayers $1.3 million.

The total cost of remuneration has dropped from $9.3 million to $8 million total.

"But most importantly, we are providing Auckland with a governance structure that will work. Our elected representatives will be able to provide the leadership and democratic decision making that Auckland so desperately needs."