Regional Leadership Groups announced

Tariana Turia

Monday 19 July 2010, 7:42AM

By Tariana Turia


Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia has today announced the appointment of the Whanau Ora Regional Leadership Groups.

The regional leadership groups will provide recommendations to the Whanau Ora Governance Group on the selection of Whanau Ora service providers and the development and implementation of programmes and initiatives.

“Communities have always said that they want the opportunity to participate in key decisions and for whanau representatives and government agencies to work together.

“The feedback I have been receiving is that already groups are collaborating and working together to understand how to best work with a Whanau Ora approach,” says Mrs Turia.

"It is fantastic to see that spirit of co-operation at work within and across our communities.

“The appointment of the regional leadership groups will ensure that decisions at a local level are in the best interests of whanau.”

Regional Leadership Groups include between three and seven community representatives and three officials of Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Social Development and District Health Boards.

Appointments are for the full three-year term from 16 July 2010 to 30 June 2013.

More information about the Regional Leadership Groups and a FAQ sheet can be found at