Getting the Show on the Road

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 20 July 2010, 2:48PM

By Dunedin City Council



Keep Dunedin Beautiful is once again using the services of “To be Advised Trust” to form a professional theatre group. The group will visit 40 Dunedin primary schools and perform 59 shows over a month.

The key messages of the performance are that everyone must take responsibility for keeping their city litter-free and that there are repercussions for future generations if we choose to do nothing.

This year we have a star-studded cast with Jo Neilson, Mark Neilson and Danny Still (both men straight from the Fortune Theatre’s amazing ‘39 Steps’). Richard Huber, himself a well known playwright and director, is directing the team.

Performances begin 19 July and run through to 20 August. Sponsors include the Dunedin City Council, Southern Victorian Trust, Southern Trust, and the Otago Community Trust. The group’s vehicle is sponsored by Commodore Car Rentals. School students also contribute $1 towards the cost of the performance.