New planning brochures developed to help customers

Wednesday 21 July 2010, 10:20AM

By Rotorua District Council



A colourful, information-packed series of pamphlets about planning and land use processes has been developed by Rotorua District Council to assist its customers.

The colour-coded brochures are divided into four groups: yellow for planning information; blue for land use; red for subdivision; and green for policy information.

RDC Planning Services manager Tracey May said the decision to develop new information leaflets was made so that customers could more easily find out and understand what was required when preparing consent applications.

“It’s about enhancing our customer service. Consents can be complex and a bit daunting for people who don’t know their way around government regulation.

“So we wanted to create a smart new set of brochures with a design, look, and feel that customers could easily work their way through, and that used simple plain language wherever possible.”

In developing the brochures the Planning Services department's project team sought feedback from customers, including local consultancy companies, to make sure the publications would suit their end users.

“We identified nine separate topics that were frequently referred to in consent processes and we’ve developed key brochures around these subjects first. A further 10 brochures are currently a work-in-progress,” says Ms May.

The brochures are available from the Rotorua District Council’s Civic Centre.

The individual titles currently available are:

  • What is a district plan
  • Planning services – fees and charges
  • Residential land use
  • Buildings in rural zones
  • Additional household units
  • Can I subdivide?
  • Subdivision – the process
  • Subdivision in the Rural A Zone
  • Subdivision in the Residential B Zone