Aqualand swim school enjoys record numbers

Thursday 22 July 2010, 2:20PM

By Lakes Leisure


Arrowtown Primary School students learn essential boating safety with Kawarau Jet during the 2009 Aquatic Education Programme.
Arrowtown Primary School students learn essential boating safety with Kawarau Jet during the 2009 Aquatic Education Programme. Credit: Lakes Leisure
Arrowtown Primary School students learn essential boating safety with Kawarau Jet during the 2009 Aquatic Education Programme.
Arrowtown Primary School students learn essential boating safety with Kawarau Jet during the 2009 Aquatic Education Programme. Credit: Lakes Leisure


Numbers of Lakes District children learning to be safe around water through Alpine Aqualand programmes are increasing at an average rate of 60 per cent each term, on a year on year basis.

The pool’s Aqualand Swim School runs the Aquatic Education Programme, a water survival programme for school children, and the Learn to Swim programme which offers swim lessons for all age groups. Alpine Aqualand Aquatics Manager Alex Calwell is delighted with the growth, saying the swim school is totally committed to improving the district’s water skills.

“Currently, one in four New Zealand children can’t swim 25 metres or manage to keep afloat and tread water. Our programmes are designed to tackle this issue through attracting kids to swim lessons at the pool as well as working with schools to help kids learn to be safe around water.”

Aqualand Swim School enrolled a record 611 students in Term 1 swim classes including 19 adults, and 555 students including 29 adults in Term 2. This compares with 453 in Term 1 and 423 in Term 2 of 2009. An additional 285 children took part in the schools’ Aquatic Education Programme during Term 1 and 93 during Term 2, bringing the annual total to over 1000 – every school in the Queenstown Lakes district has now taken part.

The increasing numbers means Alpine Aqualand is working hard to develop staff programmes to ensure they are giving students the best water education possible.

“We are working hard to cater for increasing numbers and to ensure our staff are highly skilled and recognised for their invaluable contribution to the programmes.

“We’re really pleased to see increasing numbers of adult students as well. Some are completely unable to swim while others just want to improve their stroke or style. We offer all adults the commitment that they will learn to swim in just five weeks and encourage those non swimmers to get in and see us before summer’s here.”

The Aquatic Education Programme is carried out with the assistance of Kawarau Jet, New World Wakatipu and NZSki. It incorporates boat safety and promotes the use of life jackets. Now part of the local schools’ curriculum, Mr Calwell says the programme is a huge success.

“We are very grateful for the support of the local businesses which help make this programme heaps of fun for kids. NZSki assists with transport and Kawarau Jet takes all participants for a spin in a jetboat while teaching them the importance of boating safety and using lifejackets. New World Wakatipu funded a new inflatable boat and life jackets for the inaugural programme which has added great value to swimming lessons in the pool.”

All surplus revenue generated through the swim school is put back into further developing the programme and operating costs of the pool.

Aqualand Swim School offers free assessments for anyone who is unsure about their own or their children’s skill level and is considering joining the swim programmes. The swim school can be contacted on 03 450 9115 to make a booking for a free assessment.