Closing date extended for Raglan Structure Plan submissions
The public will have an extra month to provide feedback on Variation 15 of the Proposed Waikato District Plan, as Waikato District Council today extended the closing date for submissions.
“Based on the feedback we have received from the Raglan Community, we believe it is necessary to extend the closing date for submissions by an extra four weeks,” said Chief Executive Gavin Ion.
“All written submissions must now be received on or before 27 August 2010, rather than the previously advertised 29 July date.”
Variation 15: Raglan Structure Plan, proposes amendments to the Waikato Proposed District Plan. Some of these amendments include creating a heritage precinct within the Raglan Town Centre, applying the Town Centre Policy Area to the Raglan Wharf, and inserting rules affecting the Raglan Town Centre Business Zone. Any person is able to make a submission on the proposal.
“We would like to assure people who have already made a submission, that their submissions will be treated as valid. There is no need to re-lodge submissions with Council,” Mr Ion said.
Deputy Mayor, Clint Baddeley said there were a number of significant issues for the Raglan Community to consider. “The community have asked for more time to consider these issues and we have willingly given it. It’s important we get this right for Council, the community, and the future,” he said.
Copies of the variation and background information are available at Council’s Ngaruawahia and Raglan offices, and can be viewed on Council’s website