Searchers hopeful voice in bush may be missing tramper

Monday 3 September 2007, 1:44PM




Searchers still have not found tramper Derry Kingston missing in Golden Bay's Cobb Valley, but have heard a voice they hope might belong to the 62-year-old.

The alarm was raised by Mr Kingston's tramping party when he failed to meet them as arranged yesterday afternoon.

Eight search and rescue teams have been scouring bush in the Lockett Range near Takaka. Two teams worked overnight without success.

Assistant search and rescue co-ordinator Russell Tucker told NZPA a search team heard a voice which called out about 12.30pm.

Searchers were now trying to trace the source of the voice in steep, bush-clad country.

Mr Kingston set off yesterday for a day tramp with seven other members of the Golden Bay Tramping Club.

Mr Tucker said Mr Kingston separated from his party about 3pm with the intention of picking up the group's car and collecting the trampers.

The track Mr Kingston was last seen on was very steep, with creeks at the bottom of the valley, Mr Tucker said.

Mr Kingston was a fit and experienced tramper who had helped police out in the past with other search and rescue operations.