Aerosols Sprayed From Aircraft Seen Forming Cloud-Like Material Over Whangarei On July 30

Clare Swinney

Saturday 31 July 2010, 11:36AM

By Clare Swinney


This statement was made by Hon Nick Smith in Parliament on June the 15th, 2010.
This statement was made by Hon Nick Smith in Parliament on June the 15th, 2010. Credit: Clare Swinney


There was a rather obvious chemtrail seen over Whangarei yesterday afternoon, which was filmed over a period of about half-an-hour.  It was seen turning into cloud-like material.

It was not on a passenger plane route.  A length of it appeared to run about parallel with Maunu Road and went over the Parahaki monument.  It also had a bend in it, at Woodhill, which indicated that it was not from a commercial aircraft.

To learn more about chemtrailing, which is also referred to as "geo-engineering," listen to this recent interview with Michael Murphy and G Edward Griffin, who are in the final stages of making a documentary about the topic titled 'What In The World Are They Spraying?' To download the podcast please link here:


Photos Of Chemtrails Over Kaikoura

Good Video Footage Of Chemtrails Over Nelson

Photos Of Chemtrails In Nelson At New Website