Seeking Nominations for Outstanding Industry Trainees

Dunedin City Council

Monday 2 August 2010, 11:22AM

By Dunedin City Council



Entries for the 2010 Coastal Otago Industry Training Organisations’ Apprentice of the Year Award close on Friday 6 August, with apprentices from a range of industries already nominated.
The Award, run by the Mayors’ Taskforce for Jobs, offers support and recognition for the achievement of future industry leaders as well as acknowledging the considerable contribution skilled trades make to the region’s economy.
Graduation co-ordinator Kim Newman says the support from the Industry Training Organisations themselves is increasing yearly, with two more organisations joining the committee this year.
FITEC, involved in the forestry, wood manufacturing, furniture and bio security industries and the BCITO involved in the building and construction industries have some of the country’s highest levels of industry graduates each year.
Ms Newman says, “Having these two organisations offer to work on the committee is a great coup for us as these sectors contribute greatly to Dunedin’s economy, both directly and through the quality training they provide for their apprentices.”
Application packs for nominations are available from Ms Newman at the Dunedin City Council. Nominees should be working full-time in the Waitaki or Clutha districts or the Dunedin city area and have gained their National Certificate (Level 3 and above) in the year to 31 August 2010. Nominees should be outstanding industry trainees who are making significant contributions to their workplaces and who have the potential to be future leaders in their industries.
The Apprentice of the Year will be announced at the graduation celebration on 5 November.