Otago workers march for fairness at work

Friday 13 August 2010, 1:56PM

By Unions Otago



Workers are taking to the streets of Dunedin to stop attacks on their rights at work.

A Dunedin march and rally is on Sunday 22 August, organized by local unions and concerned members of the public. Marchers will assemble outside the Dental School on Great King Street at 11am and march to a rally in the Octagon.

Unions Otago Convenor Glenda Alexander says the march is for those people who want to say they do not accept the changes to employment laws planned by the Government.

Ms Alexander says the only way to get the Government to listen is through "people power."

"If the public are prepared to stand up for their rights at work, then these bad laws will not get off the ground."

Major concerns for workers were the plan to allow all employers to fire a worker without reason within the first 90 days of starting a job.

Ms Alexander says the potential for abuse of the law was enormous and the change would create a climate of fear in the workplace.

Other concerns included the plans to make it harder for unions to visit workers on the job.

"Workers have a right to be represented, and this law change is about interfering with workers rights."

The event is part of what will be an ongoing campaign by workers led by the Council of Trade Unions.

Ms Alexander says a good turnout is expected as previous Dunedin events that had been put together at the last moment had received good public support.

Unions Otago represents the local affiliates of the Council of Trade Unions.

Other rallies are happening around New Zealand on the previous day (21 August), but due to university graduation parades the Dunedin event is being held on Sunday 22 August.