Muriwai Drive properties evacuated

Thursday 19 August 2010, 8:26AM

By Whakatane District Council



Acting on advice from geotechnical engineers engaged by the Earthquake Commission, the Whakatane District Council has required residents of 4 properties on Muriwai Drive to evacuate their properties due to serious concerns over the stability of the escarpment above their houses.

The Council’s Chief Executive Diane Turner said this is a precautionary measure while Council and Earthquake Commission geo-technical engineers continue to monitor and assess what has been identified as a large potential landslip.

“Given that a landslip occurred in the area and we continue to receive regular rainfall, we are taking active measures to safeguard human life, while the engineers can check and establish just what were are dealing with, she said.

Property owners and residents of the affected properties were provided an update this morning at a meeting attended by EQC, geotechnical engineers, and Council staff.