Dunedin City Council Gets Social

Dunedin City Council

Monday 30 August 2010, 12:54PM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin City Council has joined social media, establishing a presence on Facebook and Twitter.
DCC Marketing and Communications Agency Manager Debra Simes says the DCC has an official Facebook page – ‘Dunedin City Council’ - for releasing information on consultations, media announcements, upcoming events and other important public information.

It has also established two Twitter feeds interested people can link to. The first, ‘DnCityCouncil’, will publish the same information as on the Facebook page.

The second, ‘AskDCC’, is a forum for the public to ask operational questions of the DCC’s Customer Services Agency, such as the opening hours of facilities, or how to register a dog.

Using these social media portals will not replace the many other ways the DCC communicates with the public, but is an addition for those who prefer to communicate online.