Emmy Award Winning movie features Christchurch created animation software 'Voovees Director'
Wednesday 1 September 2010, 3:49PM
By PowerHouse Ventures Ltd
Thinking Cactus, a Christchurch based software company has had its animation software ‘Voovees Director’ used in the Star Wars Uncut movie winning an Emmy Award last week.
Indy Liu, one of the founders of Thinking Cactus said “we are really excited that ‘Voovees Director’ has
been selected to create part of the movie and even more delighted Star Wars Uncut has won an Emmy.
Star Wars Uncut demonstrates that you don’t have to be a professional to create fabulous animations.”
The Star Wars Uncut project was set up by Casey Pugh, a 26-year-old Web developer who lives in
Brooklyn. Pugh asked internet hobbyists worldwide to select 15 second clips of the Star Wars: A New
Hope movie and remake it in animation. The animated clips were then compiled according to viewer
ratings and Star Wars Uncut was created. The Voovees animation, produced by Pineapple Pictures, was
selected amongst hundreds of submissions to be part of the final movie cut. The Emmy was awarded for
Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media for Fiction.
About ‘Voovees Director’:
‘Voovees Director’ is a free, downloadable 3D animation tool which makes it easy to create an animation
in under 15 minutes. In six steps, users can animate a scene, customise characters and props, add voice
or soundtrack and share with friends on YouTube. ‘Voovees Director’ can be downloaded at
About Thinking Cactus
Thinking Cactus was founded in 2006 by three University of Canterbury graduates, Indy Liu, Billy Chang
and Tony Chang. The company has created several animation software products including ZenCub3d
and Voovees. The company is based at Powerhouse Ventures, a seed investment and venture
development company in Christchurch.