Managing Earthquake Risk To Dunedin's Heritage Buildings

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 14 September 2010, 2:19PM

By Dunedin City Council



Following the Canterbury earthquake, there has been a lot of speculation about the risk to heritage buildings and, in particular, to certain elements of heritage buildings, such as chimneys and parapets.

The DCC and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust are holding a one-day workshop for heritage building owners in November, where earthquake strengthening will be one of a number of topics discussed. Local practitioners will cover a range of ‘getting started’ issues, including earthquake strengthening, fire safety, the role of heritage architects, and principles of conservation repair. The workshop, for heritage building owners, will be free.

The DCC and NZHPT also recommend that concerned owners of heritage buildings contact appropriately qualified structural engineers to assess the property, identify potential risk and investigate solutions for securing items or managing the risk to people and property.

Heritage features can usually be secured and risks mitigated without impacting on the heritage fabric of the building. Ensuring heritage buildings are earthquake-strengthened ensures public safety, and increases the likelihood that Dunedin’s character will be retained following a significant earthquake.

The Dunedin Heritage Fund can provide incentives towards work that will protect and secure heritage features and buildings.