Statement By ACT Leader Hon Rodney Hide Regarding David Garrett
ACT Leader Rodney Hide today acknowledged that ACT MP David Garrett made a terrible mistake 26 years ago, and recognised the significant hurt that his actions have caused.
"David Garrett made a terrible mistake a long time ago. While this does not excuse his actions or behaviour, this matter has been dealt with by the courts," Mr Hide said.
"Since entering Parliament, Mr Garrett has proved to be an invaluable member of the ACT team, fulfilling ACT’s core election pledge of implementing tougher sentences for serious violent offenders through 'Three Strikes'.
"I have never met anyone with more passion and knowledge on law and order, and on what is needed to ensure the safety and security of our communities.
"He has also exposed the flaws in the Government’s proposed Foreshore and Seabed legislation, and the huge cost and division this legislation will mean for New Zealanders for years and years to come.
"The issues that have arisen in the media this week do not impair his ability to make a difference as Member of Parliament.
"David Garrett disclosed the issues to me when I asked him to stand. I said that what is important for him is to put the past behind him and to make a real difference to New Zealanders’ lives. David Garrett has done that," Mr Hide said.