Hide Accepts Garrett's Resignation
ACT Leader Rodney Hide today accepted the resignation of David Garrett MP from the ACT Party.
“New information that came to light regarding the affidavit David swore in his 2005 court case made it impossible to defend his position as a member of the ACT caucus,” Mr Hide said.
“In light of this, it has become clear to David that it would be inappropriate for him to remain in his position as an ACT MP. As such, this morning he resigned from caucus and the Party.
“Since entering Parliament in 2008 David has had a number of achievements, most notably the passing of the ‘Three Strikes’ policy into law.
“David campaigned for tougher sentencing for repat violent offenders for ACT in 2009. He drafted the legislation, argued the case with parliamentary
colleagues and successfully saw his ‘Three Strikes’ policy passed into law. He achieved more in Parliament than most MPs. He made Parliament deliver safer communities – something that New Zealanders had been wanting for years.
“This has been a disappointing time for the ACT Party. However, we are committed to ensuring that this incident will not distract us from our obligation to ACT voters and the people of New Zealand, and we will continue to work hard towards success at the next election,” Mr Hide said.