Aucklanders have low expectations of new super city

Sunday 19 September 2010, 10:26AM

By New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development



Incoming leaders of New Zealand’s first super city may be relieved that Aucklanders have low expectations of their new council’s performance.

While more Aucklanders think the new super city will make decisions faster than the eight councils it replaces, they are not persuaded it will do a better, rather than worse, job of growing the economy and jobs and improving the quality of life.

A pre-local body election issues survey by ShapeNZ, commissioned by the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development, finds 27% of Aucklanders think their new city will make faster progress as a result of the reform. 25% say it will make slower progress, while 25% say no faster or slower and 22% don’t know.

Asked if they think the new Auckland Council will do a better or worse job than the current council structure in growing the economy and jobs, while preserving the quality of life (the social and physical environment), Aucklanders are evenly split: 23% say it will do better (5% much better), and 23% say worse (8% much worse).

Some 35% say no better or worse and 20% don’t know.

The survey was conducted between August 24 and September 14, 2010, covering 634 people within the new Auckland Council area. Weighted, it has a maximum margin of error of +/- 3.9%.

Business Council Chief Executive Peter Neilson says these and other findings will be discussed at a special 3pm meeting tomorrow (Monday September 20) between member CEOs and the new council’s senior planning staff.

Business Council member companies have local and international experience in helping cities become more sustainable.

The Business Council will release a special 45 page report on “Creating a Sustainable Super City – How to Accelerate Auckland” to super city candidates and officials tomorrow. The report provides examples of local and international best and worst practice experience. It says it is possible for Auckland’s new leaders to “turn the country’s first mega city into an economic powerhouse – while improving its quality of life and environment”.

Do you think Auckland will make faster or slower progress under a single new super city than under the current eight council structure?

A. Faster progress
B. No faster or slower
C. Slower
D. Don’t know

Do you think the new Auckland Council will do a better or worse job that the current council structure in growing the economy and jobs, while preserving the quality of life (the social and physical environment)?

A. Much better
B. Better
C. No better or worse
D. Worse
E. Much worse
F. Don’t know